
Welcome to the website for the new Emmy Noether Research Group Ontology After Quine: Fictionalism and Fundamentality, or to give it its German name Ontologie nach Quine: Fiktionalismus und Fundamentalität, which is funded by the DFG, based at the University of Hamburg, and led by Richard Woodward.

As its name suggests, the project will focus on issues in metametaphysics and metaontology, set against the historical backdrop of the Quine-Carnap debate about the respectability of ontological inquiry. The remit of the project is thus broad, incorporating not only issues in first- and second-order metaphysics and ontology, but also connected issues both in metaphilosophy and in the philosophies of logic and language.

Feel free to click around. You can find more information about the focus of the project and the researchers who are involved. Updates on our progress and activities can be found on the blog page.